Thursday, September 14, 2006

team motto? aim low!

Often times in conversation I'll say that I was a collegiate athlete. That's not entirely true. See, maybe once or twice I PLAYED a pick up game of football or pass the beer, but I never actually played a competitive sport while at school. Mainly because they weren't nearly cool enough. Until now.

I joined a kickball league. And my team is comprised entirely of Penn State Alumni. On a scale of 1-to-10, that fricking rocks! We had our first game last Sunday, and not only did we kick ass, but we went to the bar before AND after the game. On a Sunday. And we played a kick ass game of flip cup at the bar too. All in all, I'm going to go ahead and say that its the greatest thing I've done since moving to Boston. Well, greatest thing I've done on purpose.

S. N. at 5:43 PM  2 Comments

Friday, September 08, 2006

candid shots

I don't particularly like the addition of a camera to every new gadget, however I must admit that without cameraphones, this picture of a PBR truck in Chicago would never have made it all the way to me. I love PBR.

S. N. at 4:48 PM  0 Comments

Monday, September 04, 2006

and I thought I was crazy

Nutcase thy name is Tom Cruise. I'm all for people being crazy (or eccentric if their bank account is large enough) but this is going a little too far. Take from this article:

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes have yet to show their baby daughter off in public, but eager fans were given an unusual preview with the chance to see a bronze cast depicting her first solid stool.

Ok, now I've heard of bronzed shoes, and even bronzed hand prints, but bronzed poop? Whats next? Bronzed first diaper? Bronzed booger? Oh, and it gets better!

"A bronzed cast of baby's first poop can be a meaningful memento for the family," gallery director David Kesting said, adding that he hoped the work would attract bids of up to 25 or 30,000 dollars.

Thirty thousand dollars for a poop? F engineering, I can get rich an a week. Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta make rent.

S. N. at 10:35 PM  0 Comments


Talk about the coolest way to die ever. Steve Irwin (the croc hunter) died after being stung through the heart by a stingray while filming a movie. Sucks, he was pretty cool to watch.

S. N. at 12:07 AM  0 Comments